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The lucky day to purchase or start using the product

Heavenly forgiveness day

This is considered the most auspicious day in the Japanese calendar.
It is said that anything started on this day will be successful, as it is the day when heaven forgives everyone's sins .
This is the best day to start something new, such as purchasing or starting a new wallet, starting a job, opening a business, or getting married.

One Grain Manbai Day

It means that "a single grain of rice will produce ten thousand times more rice and become a fine ear of rice."
This is also considered an auspicious day to start something new.
It is also said that your money will multiply many times over, making this an ideal day for financial matters.
Since Ichiritsu Manbai Day signifies something that will increase ten thousand times, it is said that if it coincides with another auspicious day, the effect is doubled, and in particular, the day when Tensha Day and Ichiritsu Manbai Day coincide is considered to be a great day for bringing good luck that should not be missed .

Tiger Day

The tiger is said to be a good sign for the day of departure, as it is said that one can ``travel a thousand miles and return a thousand miles.''
Additionally, the golden stripes on the tiger's body are said to symbolize good fortune, and the day of the tiger is known as the most auspicious day for bringing good fortune in money.
For this reason, it is said that if you buy a wallet on the day of the tiger, it will bring back money that has gone out.

Snake Day

Like Tiger Day, this auspicious day is determined based on the Chinese zodiac sign and occurs every 12 days.
It is said that if you make a request to a snake, the messenger of Benzaiten, the goddess of arts and fortune, your wish will be delivered to Benzaiten.
Therefore, the day of the snake is considered to be a lucky day that brings good luck and wealth.

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144 products


Neutral Gray × MARUYA Limited Edition Beautiful glossy enamel nuance color L-shaped zipper walletNeutral Gray × MARUYA Limited Edition Beautiful glossy enamel nuance color L-shaped zipper wallet
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A Garcon slim wallet with a large capacity coin case and front metal fittings as an accent. CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A Garcon slim wallet with a large capacity coin case and front metal fittings as an accent.
Dual / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A compact wallet the size of a card case made from the finest saddle leather from a long-established British tannerDual / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A compact wallet the size of a card case made from the finest saddle leather from a long-established British tanner
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A mini wallet the size of a card case, accented with brass front hardware. CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A mini wallet the size of a card case, accented with brass front hardware.
FU-SI FERNALLE / A-wallet Round zipper long wallet made of high quality Italian lamb leatherFU-SI FERNALLE / A-wallet Round zipper long wallet made of high quality Italian lamb leather
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten The brass metal fittings on the sides are an accent. A bi-fold wallet with a large capacity Garcon coin case. CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten The brass metal fittings on the sides are an accent. A bi-fold wallet with a large capacity Garcon coin case.
REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse tan leather long walletREALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse tan leather long wallet
la GALLERIA / Arrosto Antique color folding wallet with uneven dyeing and shadow finishla GALLERIA / Arrosto Antique color folding wallet with uneven dyeing and shadow finish
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A bi-fold wallet with double flap and a Garcon coin case, made from Italian shrink leather with a rich texture. CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten A bi-fold wallet with double flap and a Garcon coin case, made from Italian shrink leather with a rich texture.
sot / Pueblo Leather Enjoy the unique aging effect. A round zip long wallet that stands out with its unique Italian leather charm. sot / Pueblo Leather Enjoy the unique aging effect. A round zip long wallet that stands out with its unique Italian leather charm.
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginzaten Italian shrink leather with a rich expression. Compact card case sized wallet CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginzaten Italian shrink leather with a rich expression. Compact card case sized wallet
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginzaten Expressive Italian shrink leather Garcon slim wallet with large coin case CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginzaten Expressive Italian shrink leather Garcon slim wallet with large coin case
REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse-tanned leather L zipper long walletREALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse-tanned leather L zipper long wallet
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。 キー&コインケースCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。 キー&コインケース
CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten Italian shrink leather with rich expression. Compact wallet with protruding card slots CRAMP / Ikenohata Ginkakuten Italian shrink leather with rich expression. Compact wallet with protruding card slots
REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight tri-fold wallet made of high-quality piece-dyed horse-tanned leatherREALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight tri-fold wallet made of high-quality piece-dyed horse-tanned leather
REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse tan leather long walletREALMIND / FORO A unique texture. Soft and lightweight high-quality piece-dyed horse tan leather long wallet
REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. A mini wallet made of soft and light high-quality horse-tanned leather.REALMIND / FORO A unique texture. A mini wallet made of soft and light high-quality horse-tanned leather.
Kiefer neu / Mesh 上質なイタリアンレザーを贅沢に編み込んだ ラウンドジップウォレットKiefer neu / Mesh 上質なイタリアンレザーを贅沢に編み込んだ ラウンドジップウォレット
REALMIND / FORO 他にない風合い。ソフトで軽い上質な後染め馬ヌメ革の見開き二つ折り財布REALMIND / FORO 他にない風合い。ソフトで軽い上質な後染め馬ヌメ革の見開き二つ折り財布
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 劇的なエイジングを楽しめるプエブロレザー。最小サイズのラウンドファスナーロングウォレットCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 劇的なエイジングを楽しめるプエブロレザー。最小サイズのラウンドファスナーロングウォレット
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。 首掛けできるカードケースサイズのコンパクトウォレットCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。 首掛けできるカードケースサイズのコンパクトウォレット
la GALLERIA / EMBLEMA  色を重ねた奥行きのある牛革 スマートキー対応二つ折りウォレットla GALLERIA / EMBLEMA  色を重ねた奥行きのある牛革 スマートキー対応二つ折りウォレット
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。大容量のWフラップロングウォレットCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 表情豊かなイタリア製シュリンクレザー。大容量のWフラップロングウォレット
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 劇的なエイジングを楽しめるプエブロレザー。カードがせり出すスリムウォレットCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 劇的なエイジングを楽しめるプエブロレザー。カードがせり出すスリムウォレット
Sold outDual / 池之端銀革店 英国老舗タンナーによる最高級サドルレザーのミニコインパースDual / 池之端銀革店 英国老舗タンナーによる最高級サドルレザーのミニコインパース
REALMIND / FORO 他にない風合い。ソフトで軽い上質な後染め馬ヌメ革のLファスナー折財布REALMIND / FORO 他にない風合い。ソフトで軽い上質な後染め馬ヌメ革のLファスナー折財布
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 真鍮 のサイド金具がアクセントのギャルソンコインパースCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 真鍮 のサイド金具がアクセントのギャルソンコインパース
CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 真鍮のフロント金具がアクセント。 スリーブ付きのクラシカルなペンケースCRAMP / 池之端銀革店 真鍮のフロント金具がアクセント。 スリーブ付きのクラシカルなペンケース
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Sold out【20周年記念 SPECIAL EDITION 】CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 silver925 ×UKブライドル 。 大容量コインケースを備えたギャルソンスリムウォレット【20周年記念 SPECIAL EDITION 】CRAMP / 池之端銀革店 silver925 ×UKブライドル 。 大容量コインケースを備えたギャルソンスリムウォレット
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